Sunday, April 26, 2009

April 27, 28

Year 9, before we begin Criterion B - Design, let's talk about what makes a good website and analyze 3 websites.

Now, onto Criterion B - DESIGN

Students are expected to generate several feasible design that meet the design specification and to evaluate these against the design specification.

Students are then expected to select one design, justify their choice and evaluate this in detail against the design specification.

To get a 6 the student generates a range of feasible designs, and attempts to evaluate them against the design specification. The student attempts to justify the chosen design and evaluate it against thethe design specification.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

April 21

First, let's finish the Avalanche websites

Then, let's put them online:-D

We will open Yahoo Geocities accounts which will allow you to upload files to the internet.

I will walk you through this process but the instructions can be located here:

Monday, April 20, 2009

April 20

Welcome back Year 9 - I hope you had a really great break and are ready to start Term 3.

Before we get back into the swing of things let's go to and open an account. Tomorrow we will contribute to the world wide web by creating a voice thread offering suggestions to help the environment in honor of Earth Day 2009 (which is Wednesday, April 22).

First, have you finished your tutorial? Let's see how much you remember from the HTML tutorial. Click here to take a little quiz to reinforce your learning. Please sign in using your correct name as I will be recording your scores. Everyone is required to take this quiz;-) (The score will be recorded in my gradebook.)

HTML - Decode the Meanings .

Next, Let's create a practice webpage. Click here - Start An Avalanche Web Page