Monday, October 20, 2008

October 21

Year 9

We have done some website analysis and now it's your turn.

Remember- you have tools to help you be successful.
1. The Unit of Work is in the sidebar on the Year 9 blog
2. You have the Year 9 blog
3. You have a Teacher. In order to use the teacher as a tool to be successful - you must LISTEN and then follow instructions.

The Design (Criterion B) part of the design cycle helps you visualize your product. You can use whatever tool that you wish (PowerPoint, Publisher, Word, Pencil & Paper, etc)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

October 20

Year 9
- Let's look at design elements. What makes a good page?

You will create 3 feasible designs - evaluate each against your Design Specification. Then fully justify your choice against your Design Specification.

Some links to get you started:,, - some templates to get ideas from

Friday, October 17, 2008

October 17, Period 3

Year 9 - Today is my lucky day. I have an extra period with you this week!

Let's look at Design (Criterion B)

( Click on the picture above to enlarge the Assessment Criterion page)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

October 13

Year 9 you have already done all your research. Now, let's do it! Let's write up our investigations:-)
Guiding Question/Problem to Solve: How can CT be used to promote culture in the 21st century?
But before we do that we need to look at the Assessment Criteria:

Now, here's the organization that you need to follow!

Introduction – Explain the problem and discuss its relevance. Describe what the problem is and offer a solution. Remember our AOI is Community and Service. Our target audience is: People doing research on the Internet.

Develop a Design Brief (Use questions to guide your research)
-Research an author/artist/musician/historical figure
-Research HTML - (What is HTML? Be thorough and look at all aspects )
*Learn how to HTML code.

You need to reference ALL sources and images!!!!! You need a bibliography page !!!

Formulate a Design Specification
-What would be interesting, useful information for the audience?
-Research 3 similar websites to gain ideas for your own page (include screen print) and analyze findings (look at colour scheme, images, text, links, organization)
-Create Design Specification (list of what you will include on your page - make sure your Design Specification is clear and measurable)
-Create questionnaire to evaluate product/solution against design specification

Monday, October 6, 2008

October 7

Year 9, you are on the right trail!
Now, let's continue

Sunday, October 5, 2008

October 6

Year 9 - HTML is a code and you are the detectives: you must crack the code

FYI - click here for a List of HTML Tags

Period 3/4
Now, we have a choice: either we can go through the tutorial together OR you can explore the tutorial on your own. Let's take a vote. *Remember, you are responsible for your own learning.
After going through the tutorial - now try this activity: