Thursday, November 8, 2007

November 8

Year 9 - Welcome Back!

The next part of our project is the PLAN. (To be successful (in class/in life) you always need a plan.) The plan is the part of the Design Cycle that

1) Open a document in Visio 2007 (click on start (green button in lower left-hand corner), click on All Programs, click on Microsoft Office, click on Microsoft Office Visio 2007)

2) Choose "Flowchart" from the template category in the left-hand sidebar.
You will produce a flowchart indicating the tasks necessary for completing the project.

A good way to proceed is by creating a separate box for 1) INVESTIGATION, 2) DESIGN,

Plan - include the tasks you need to fufill and the order in which you will work. For example, 1- Choose a topic or charity, 2-Research topic and gather other information to include on Newsletter, 3-Write articles for Newsletter, . . . List all the steps necessary.

Think about all the steps that you need to do to complete to create a Newsletter focusing on one of St. Dominic's Community and Service projects/charities.

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