Saturday, March 7, 2009

March 9

Year 8 - Welcome to Computer Technology. We have a fun but intensive project for Term 3. You will be creating an HTML page.

Before we begin let's look at the Unit of Work:

and the Assessment Criteria:

Let's start our Investigation (Criterion A) Remember that the Investigate has 3 sections: Identify the Problem, Develop a Design Brief, and Formulate a Design Specification.

Today, we will begin by Identifying the Problem. Open a Word 2007 document; put your name at the top of the page, then write the word "INVESTIGATE" in all caps. Explain the problem and discuss its relevance. Describe the problem in your own words and offer a solution. Also relate the problem to Areas of Interaction.

Next, let's begin looking some Internet Basics.

After looking at the handout, please answer the following questions on the reverse side of the handout. 1) Do you use the internet? 2) How do you use it? (e-mails? chats? research?) 3) What is your favorite thing to do on the internet? 4) If you could make a web page to share information about an author/artist/musician/historical figure who would you choose?

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