Saturday, January 10, 2009

January 12, 13

Welcome Back Year 9 - It seems like a long time since we have had a class. So let's go!

The Investigation is due January 13 at the end of class.

Remember: The Investigate has 3 parts:

1) Identify the problem - this is the part where you restate the problem in your own words, and discuss how it relates to our Areas of Interaction

2) Develop a design brief - this is the part where you ask questions that will drive your investigation. In this case make 3 or 4 questions to help you understand what HTML is. The first logical question is: What is HTML? Do RESEARCH to answer the questions and remember to use in-text referencing. Also be sure to research 3 existing websites on your chosen topic to gather ideas about what you want to include on your site. PS: Look in the sidebar for links that an help you understand HTML

3) Formulate a design specification - this is the part where you decide exactly what you will include on your page and create a test (questionnaire) in which each question is directly related to your design specification.

We have lots to do but I know you are up to the challenge!

Investigate Deadline - January 13

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